About this website
Site map
- start: start page
- resources: ABC resources on the web
- standard: the ABC standard
- abcMIDI: a package of programs developed by James Allwright. It contains a.o. a tool for creating MIDI output, and a tool for transposing tunes.
- iabc: a graphical, interactive, and cross-platform ABC editor
- jcabc2ps: an ABC to PostScript convertor
- The Nottingham Music Database: an ABC version of this tune collection
- help: help for developers of the ABC project
- about: about this website. This page.
Developers of the ABC project and their responsibilities:
Task/subproject | Maintainer |
The ABC standard (2.0) | Irwin Oppenheim, Henrik Norbeck (BNF specification) |
abcMIDI | Seymour Shlien |
iabc | Aaron Newman |
jcabc2ps | John Chambers |
The Nottingham Music Database | James Allwright |
Website maintenance | Bert Van Vreckem |
Support for developers | Bert Van Vreckem |
For a complete list of project members, see the member list.